Programme for the Siena workshop January 8-11, 2007, in Groningen

Programme and course material for the 3rd SIENA workshop

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This page gives the program of the SIENA workshop that will take place January 8-11, 2007, in Groningen, with some of the course materials.

Location of the workshop is room A2 of the Academy Building in the city centre of Groningen. Except on Monday, sessions start at 9:00 and except on Wednesday, they end at 17:00, with an ample lunch break from 12:30-14:00.

Teachers are Tom Snijders and Christian Steglich, perhaps with some other contributors.

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
    • Model specification, procedures for forward model selection based on score tests
    • Network composition change and treatment of missing data
    • Structurally determined values (network regions that cannot change)
    • Presentations by John Light & David Schaefer and David Knoke & Xi Zhu
    • Workshop ends early at 15.30, feel free to join us for this other presentation in a local seminar series

  • Thursday
    • New estimation methods (maximum likelihood and Bayesian estimation) and how to choose between methods
    • Dynamics of non-directed networks
    • Multilevel data and meta-analysis of SIENA estimates
    • How to generate ego-alter selection tables from SIENA output .
    • Workshop ends about 17:00

  • Topics that still need to be distributed over the workshop days, depending on participants' interests:
    • Discussion of participants' SIENA results
    • Interpretation of effects
    • Communication of SIENA analyses to a wider audience
    • Non-longitudinal network data: Exponential random graph models
    • Future developments

Some literature is the following (this and other literature will be used in the course):
    Snijders, Tom A.B. (2005).
    Models for Longitudinal Network Data.
    Chapter 11 in P. Carrington, J. Scott, & S. Wasserman (Eds.):
    Models and methods in social network analysis.
    New York: Cambridge University Press (2005), 215-247.
    A preprint is here.

    Snijders, Tom A.B, and Baerveldt, Chris (2003).
    A Multilevel Network Study of the Effects of Delinquent Behavior on Friendship Evolution.
    Journal of Mathematical Sociology 27 (2003), 123-151.

    Snijders, Tom A.B., Christian Steglich, and Michael Schweinberger (2007).
    Modeling the co-evolution of networks and behavior.
    Chapter 3 in Longitudinal models in the behavioral and related sciences,
    edited by Kees van Montfort, Han Oud and Albert Satorra; Lawrence Erlbaum, 2007.

    Steglich, Christian, Tom A.B. Snijders, and Michael Pearson (2007).
    Dynamic Networks and Behavior: Separating Selection from Influence.
    Submitted for publication.

    Steglich, Christian, Tom A.B. Snijders, and Patrick West (2006).
    Applying SIENA: An illustrative analysis of the co-evolution of adolescents'
    friendship networks, taste in music, and alcohol consumption.

    Extended version of the article that appeared in Methodology 2:1 (2006).

    van de Bunt, Gerhard G., Marijtje A.J. van Duijn, and Tom A.B. Snijders (1999).
    Friendship Networks Through Time: An Actor-Oriented Dynamic Statistical Network Model.
    Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory 5 (1999), 167-192.

    van de Bunt, Gerhard G., Rafael P.M. Wittek, and Maurits C. de Klepper (2005).
    The Evolution of Intra-Organizational Trust Networks.
    The Case of a German Paper Factory: An Empirical Test of Six Trust Mechanisms.

    International Sociology 20:3 (2003), 339-369.

    van Duijn, Marijtje A.J., Evelien P.H. Zeggelink, Mark Huisman, Frans Stokman, and Frans Wasseur (2003).
    Evolution of sociology freshmen into a friendship network.
    Journal of Mathematical Sociology 27 (2003), 153-191.

For further information and papers about the program, see the SIENA webpage.

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Last updated January 9th, 2007.
If you have any comments on this webpage, please contact Christian Steglich