Please note that this listing of publications was discontinued already in October 2014.
An up-to-date list can be found in my CV (click here).
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This is a (roughly chronological) list of the publications by Christian Steglich. If you want to learn more about a specific one, please click on the title. In most cases, there also is an opportunity for downloading.
Christian Steglich and Andrea Knecht, 2014.
“Studious by Association? Effects of Teacher's Attunement to Students' Peer Relations.”
Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaften 17, 153-170.
Matthew Checkley, Christian Steglich, Duncan Angwin, and Richard Endersby, 2014.
“Firm Performance and the Evolution of Cooperative Interfirm Networks: UK Venture Capital Syndication.”
Strategic Change 23, 107-118.
René Veenstra, Jan Kornelis Dijkstra, Christian Steglich, and Maarten H.W. van Zalk, 2013.
“Network-Behavior Dynamics.”
Journal of Research on Adolescence 23, 399-412.
Mercken, Liesbeth, Ester Sleddens, Hein de Vries, and Christian Steglich, 2013.
“Choosing adolescent smokers as friends: The role of parenting and parental smoking.”
Journal of Adolescence 36, 383–392.
Snijders, Tom A.B., and Christian Steglich, 2013.
“Representing Micro-Macro Linkages by Actor-Based Dynamic Network Models.”
Sociological Methods and Research, in press.
Listyowardojo, Tita A., Christian Steglich, Stephen Peuchen, and Addie Johnson, 2009.
“Using Social Network Analysis to Identify Sub-Groups in the Operating Room.”
In D. de Waard, J. Godthelp, F.L. Kooi, and K.A. Brookhuis (Eds.), Human Factors, Security and Safety, pp.391-400. Maastricht, The Netherlands: Shaker Publishing.
Contractor, Noshir, Robert Whitbred, Fabio Fonti, and Christian Steglich, 2012.
“Understanding the Ties that Bind: A Longitudinal Investigation of the Evolution of a Communication Network.”
Western Journal of Communication 76, 333-357.
Ellwardt, Lea, Christian Steglich, and Rafael Wittek, 2012.
“The Co-Evolution of Gossip and Friendship in Workplace Social Networks.”
Social Networks 34, 623-633.
Mercken, Liesbeth, Christian Steglich, Ronald Knibbe, and Hein de Vries, 2012.
“Dynamics of friendship networks and alcohol use in early and mid adolescence.”
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 73,99-110.
Mercken, Liesbeth, Philip Sinclair, Christian Steglich, Jo Holliday, and Laurence Moore, 2012.
“A longitudinal social network analysis of peer influence, peer selection and smoking behaviour among adolescents in British schools.”
Health Psychology, January 16, 2012.
Pauksztat, Birgit, Christian Steglich, and Rafael Wittek, 2011.
“Who speaks up to whom? A network analysis of employee voice.”
Social Networks 33, 303-316.
Veenstra, René, and Christian Steglich, 2011.
“Actor-based model for network and behavior dynamics.”
In Brett Laursen, Todd D. Little, and Noel A. Card (eds.), Handbook of Developmental Research Methods. New York: Guilford.
Lomi, Alessandro, Tom A.B. Snijders, Christian Steglich, and Vanina J. Torlò, 2011.
“Why Are Some More Peer Than Others? Class-level Evidence From a Longitudinal Study of Social Networks and Individual Academic Performance.”
Social Science Research 40, 1506-1520.
Whitbred, Robert, Fabio Fonti, Christian Steglich, and Noshir Contractor, 2011.
“From microactions to macrostructure and back: A structurational approach to the evolution of organizational networks.”
Human Communication Research 37, 404-433.
Steglich, Christian, Philip Sinclair, Jo Holliday, and Laurence Moore, 2012.
“Actor-based analysis of peer influence in A Stop Smoking in Schools Trial (ASSIST).”
Social Networks 34, 359-369
Steglich, Christian, Tom A.B.Snijders, and Mike Pearson, 2010.
“Dynamic Networks and Behavior: Separating Selection from Influence.”
Sociological Methodology 40, 329-393.
Steglich, Christian, and Andrea Knecht, 2010.
“Die statistische Analyse dynamischer Netzwerkdaten.”
In Christian Stegbauer and Roger Häußling (Eds.), Handbuch der Netzwerkforschung, Wiesbaden (Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften), 427-440.
Knecht, Andrea, William J. Burk, Jeroen Weesie, and Christian Steglich, 2011.
“Friendship and alcohol use in early adolescence: a social network approach.”
Journal of Research on Adolescence 21, 475-487.
Mercken, Liesbeth, Tom Snijders, Christian Steglich, Erkki Vartiainen, and Hein de Vries, 2010.
“Smoking-based selection and influence in gender-segregated friendship networks.”
Addiction 105, 1280-1289.
Knecht, Andrea, Chris Baerveldt, Tom A.B. Snijders, Christian Steglich, and Werner Raub, 2010.
“Friendship and Delinquency in Early Adolescence: A study of selection and influence effects.”
Social Development 19, 494-514.
Dijkstra, Jan Kornelis, Siegwart Lindenberg, René Veenstra, Christian Steglich, Jenny Isaacs, Noel A. Card, and Ernest V. E. Hodges, 2010. “Influence and Selection Processes in Weapon Carrying during Adolescence: The Roles of Status, Aggression, and Vulnerability.”
Criminology 48, 187-220.
Mercken, Liesbeth, Tom Snijders, Christian Steglich, Erkki Vartiainen, and Hein de Vries, 2010.
“Dynamics of adolescent friendship networks and smoking behavior.”
Social Networks 32, 72-81.
Snijders, Tom, Gerhard van de Bunt, and Christian Steglich, 2010.
“Introduction to stochastic actor-based models for network dynamics.”
Social Networks 32, 44-60.
Mercken, Liesbeth, Tom Snijders, Christian Steglich, Erkki Vartiainen, and Hein de Vries, 2009.
“Dynamics of Adolescent Friendship Networks and Smoking Behavior:
Social Network Analyses in Six European Countries.”
Social Science and Medicine 69, 1506-1514.
Huisman, Mark, and Christian Steglich, 2008.
“Treatment of Non-Response in Longitudinal Network Studies.”
Social Networks 30, 297-309.
Checkley, Matthew, and Christian Steglich, 2007.
“Partners in power: job mobility and dynamic deal-making.”
European Management Review 4(3), 161-171.
Burk, William J., Christian Steglich, and Tom A.B. Snijders, 2007.
“Beyond dyadic interdependence: Actor-oriented models for co-evolving social networks and individual behaviors.” International Journal of Behavioral Development 31(4), 397-404.
Torlò, Vanina J., Christian Steglich, Alessandro Lomi, and Tom A.B. Snijders, 2007.
“Network structures, individual behavior and performance in organizations.” In George T. Solomon (ed.), Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, ISSN 1543-8643.
Snijders, Tom A.B., Christian Steglich, and Michael Schweinberger, 2007.
“Modeling the co-evolution of networks and behavior.” In Kees van Montfort, Han Oud and Albert Satorra (eds.), Longitudinal models in the behavioral and related sciences. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 41-71.
Pearson, Mike, Christian Steglich, and Tom A.B. Snijders, 2006.
“Homophily and assimilation among sportactive adolescent substance users.” Connections 27(1), 47-63.
Steglich, Christian, Tom A.B. Snijders, and Patrick West, 2006.
“Applying SIENA: An illustrative analysis of the co-evolution of adolescents' friendship networks, taste in music, and alcohol consumption.” Methodology 2(1), 48-56.
Steglich, Christian, 2003.
“The Framing of Decision Situations. Automatic Goal Selection and Rational Goal Pursuit.” PhD dissertation, University of Groningen. Amsterdam: Thela Thesis. ISBN-13:978 90 5170 724 3.
Steglich, Christian, 1995.
“Invariants of Conformal and Projective Structures.” Results in Mathematics 27, 188-193.