Welcome to the homepage of Christian Steglich

Who I am

German expat since the era Kohl. In a long-term relationship. Father of two grown-up children. Noir existentialism aficionado. Hobby beekeeper. Former Greenpeace activist.
Carrier of the Bionade-Biedermeier label.

For red tape detail, check my CV (link above);
for some personal info, click the link in the upper right corner.
When you see no links there, click here.

What I do

I work as a mathematical sociologist and network researcher at the Interuniversity Centre for Social Science Theory and Methodology (ICS, Department of Sociology, University of Groningen) and at the Institute for Analytical Sociology (IAS, Department of Management and Engineering, Linköping University).

My research focuses on the formal modelling and inferential-statistical analysis of socio-centric social networks, and - since short - on the network analysis of register data.

My published work is focused on the formal modelling of social network structure and social network dynamics, with emphasis on social influence processes in the context of a changing network. Over the years, my work has shifted to a broader orientation, including networks in educational settings, the co-evolution of multiple networks, and the analysis of emergent macro- and meso-level phenomena by micro-level modelling, such as normative behaviour, social hierarchies, and subgroup structures in networks.

In my work, I combine empirical calibration of models to data sets for purposes of statistical inference with empirically informed simulation studies. Far too often in empirical network research, hypotheses are formulated with insufficient consideration of what the null hypothesis should be. In social simulation studies, a related predicament is the study of simulated networks that do not match their empirical counterparts on important dimensions.

Some temporally close events and activities that I will be (or recently have been) involved in are these:

This list was updated on 4 May 2023. For a list of earlier activities, please visit this page. For up-to-date information about my research and teaching activities, please consult my CV.

How I came here

My first academic education was a study of mathematics and information science at the TU Berlin.
Not wanting to spend my life proving theorems or optimising some company's profits, I got enticed with the idea of applying mathematical thinking and modelling in the still thoroughly underformalised social sciences. The opportunity to do so came when the ICS Research School accepted me as a Ph.D. candidate. My thesis project was about the stochastic modelling of cultural and situational context effects on individual decision making. The resulting dissertation entitled The Framing of Decision Situations was defended 18th of September, 2003. Since 2002 I have been working on social networks, beginning with an NWO-funded Dutch national project ('aandachtsgebied') on co-evolving social networks and behaviour. I am grateful for Tom Snijders' mentorship throughout these years!

Where to find things

These webpages contain my cv and information about my research and teaching activities, plus some older downloadable papers and presentations. Make use of the menu above for navigating on the site! If you don't see a menu, click here to reload this page in its correct framing.

How to contact me

Christian Steglich
Institute for Analytical Sociology
Linköping University
Kopparhammaren 7
Kungsgatan 56 D
601 74 Norrköping

fon: +46-11-363 361
e-mail: christian.steglich@liu.se

Christian Steglich
ICS, Department of Sociology
Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences
University of Groningen
Grote Rozenstraat 31
9712 TG Groningen
The Netherlands

fon: +31-50-363 6189
e-mail: c.e.g.steglich@rug.nl

this site is designed by kerstin steglich