This R-script guides you through an RSiena analysis for bi-partite network evolution. The data for this tutorial can be found on the RSiena website.

(1) Preparatory steps

First we need to download and extract the data. Unfortuantely we do this outside this script.

If not done yet, install the necessary packages.

install.packages("RSiena", repos = "")
install.packages("network", repos = "")
install.packages("sna", repos = "")

To be sure, let us check the package version of RSiena. It should be 1.2-9 or higher.

## [1] '1.2.12'

Let us load the packages so that we can use them.


Now we can read in the data:

friendship1 <- as.matrix(read.table("Glasgow-1-net.dat"))
friendship2 <- as.matrix(read.table("Glasgow-2-net.dat"))


demographics <- as.matrix(read.table("Glasgow-sex-birthyear.dat"))


leisure1 <- as.matrix(read.table("GL-1-lsr.dat"))
leisure2 <- as.matrix(read.table("GL-2-lsr.dat"))
music1 <- as.matrix(read.table("GL-1-mus.dat"))
music2 <- as.matrix(read.table("GL-2-mus.dat"))
drugs1 <- as.matrix(read.table("GL-1-drg.dat"))
drugs2 <- as.matrix(read.table("GL-2-drg.dat"))

To keep the example simple we will recode the data. All the links in our data are valued. First we make the affiliations binary:

leisure1[leisure1 %in% c(2,3,4)] <- 0
leisure2[leisure2 %in% c(2,3,4)] <- 0
drugs1[drugs1 %in% c(1)] <- 0
drugs1[drugs1 %in% c(2,3,4)] <- 1
drugs2[drugs2 %in% c(1)] <- 0
drugs2[drugs2 %in% c(2,3,4)] <- 1

The friendship data has also be reworked. It is valued and missing data is not coded correctly.

friendship1[friendship1 == 2] <- 1
friendship1[friendship1 == 9] <- NA
friendship2[friendship2 == 2] <- 1
friendship2[friendship2 == 9] <- NA

We do not recode the demographic variables. They only contain 1 missing value on the birht year variable. This variable will not be used in this script.

(2) Inspection of the data

Let’s move on. What is the dimensions of our data set?

nrpupils <- dim(leisure1)[1]
nrleisureItems <- dim(leisure1)[2]
nrmusicItems <- dim(music1)[2]
nrdrugsItems <- dim(drugs1)[2]

Let’s now look at some descriptives:

##      V1      V2      V3      V4      V5      V6      V7      V8      V9 
## 0.84375 0.21875 0.49375 0.10625 0.44375 0.43750 0.43750 0.26875 0.08750 
##     V10     V11     V12     V13     V14     V15 
## 0.03125 0.03125 0.00625 0.46875 0.04375 0.05625
##      V1      V2      V3      V4      V5      V6      V7      V8      V9 
## 0.79375 0.10625 0.36250 0.03125 0.45625 0.50000 0.28125 0.20625 0.08125 
##     V10     V11     V12     V13     V14     V15 
## 0.01875 0.00625 0.00625 0.43750 0.01875 0.06250
##      V1      V2      V3      V4      V5      V6      V7      V8      V9 
## 0.30000 0.65000 0.20625 0.56250 0.12500 0.54375 0.01875 0.59375 0.12500 
##     V10     V11     V12     V13     V14     V15     V16 
## 0.03125 0.03125 0.09375 0.06875 0.14375 0.26875 0.05625
##      V1      V2      V3      V4      V5      V6      V7      V8      V9 
## 0.26250 0.64375 0.10625 0.50625 0.06250 0.41250 0.03750 0.50000 0.24375 
##     V10     V11     V12     V13     V14     V15     V16 
## 0.04375 0.02500 0.11875 0.06250 0.06250 0.18750 0.05000
##      V1      V2      V3      V4      V5      V6      V7      V8      V9 
## 0.27500 0.06250 0.03125 0.06250 0.06250 0.03750 0.01250 0.01250 0.01250 
##     V10     V11     V12     V13     V14 
## 0.00625 0.01875 0.08125 0.02500 0.00000
##      V1      V2      V3      V4      V5      V6      V7      V8      V9 
## 0.31875 0.03750 0.04375 0.11875 0.06250 0.08125 0.00625 0.01250 0.01250 
##     V10     V11     V12     V13     V14 
## 0.00000 0.02500 0.05000 0.01875 0.00625

In previos scripts we discussed how to inspect change over time. We will skip this for now.

(3) Preparing variables for RSiena

First we define the different nodesets:

pupils <- sienaNodeSet(nrpupils, nodeSetName = "pupils")
leisureItems <- sienaNodeSet(nrleisureItems, nodeSetName = "leisureItems")
musicItems <- sienaNodeSet(nrmusicItems, nodeSetName = "musicItems")
drugsItems <- sienaNodeSet(nrdrugsItems, nodeSetName = "drugsItems")

Now we identify the dependent variables.
Bipartite network:

leisure <- sienaDependent(array(c(leisure1, leisure2),
                dim = c(nrpupils, nrleisureItems,2)),
                "bipartite", nodeSet = c("pupils", "leisureItems"))
music <- sienaDependent(array(c(music1, music2),
                dim = c(nrpupils, nrmusicItems,2)),
                "bipartite", nodeSet = c("pupils", "musicItems"))
drugs <- sienaDependent(array(c(drugs1, drugs2),
                dim = c(nrpupils, nrdrugsItems,2)),
                "bipartite", nodeSet = c("pupils","drugsItems"))

One-mode network:

friendship <- sienaDependent(array(c(friendship1, friendship2),
                dim = c(nrpupils, nrpupils,2)), nodeSet = "pupils")

Now we include gender.

sex.F <- coCovar(demographics[, 1], nodeSet = "pupils")

All the data is ready now, so let’s combine it:

bipData <- sienaDataCreate(friendship, leisure, music, drugs, sex.F,
 nodeSets = list(pupils, leisureItems, musicItems, drugsItems))

(4)Specifying the model

The analysis of all this considerable data set can be time-consuming. Of course there is also the possibility to use less than 3 (e.g., 1) of the 2-mode networks.

First we get the effects table for model specification:

bipEffects <- getEffects(bipData)

We can generate an initial descriptive outputfile:

print01Report(bipData,modelname = 'bipEffects-descriptive')

File “netDynamics-descriptive.out” was created in the working directory. You can use getwd() to find your current directory. But I recommend to use Rprojects in RStudio.

Take a look at the generated output file “Bipartite-illustration.out” to see how RSiena interpreted the directives provided and to get an impression of the data (eyeball the degrees, look at occurrence of missings, look at Jaccard indices).

Let’s add some effects:

bipEffects <- includeEffects(bipEffects, inPopSqrt,outActSqrt,gwespFF, name = "friendship")
##   effectName                               include fix   test 
## 1 friendship: GWESP I -> K -> J (#)        TRUE    FALSE FALSE
## 2 friendship: indegree - popularity (sqrt) TRUE    FALSE FALSE
## 3 friendship: outdegree - activity (sqrt)  TRUE    FALSE FALSE
##   initialValue parm
## 1          0   69  
## 2          0    0  
## 3          0    1
bipEffects <- includeEffects(bipEffects, from, name = "friendship",
                            interaction1 = "leisure")
##   effectName                         include fix   test  initialValue parm
## 1 friendship: from leisure agreement TRUE    FALSE FALSE          0   0
bipEffects <- includeEffects(bipEffects, from, name = "friendship",
                            interaction1 = "music")
##   effectName                       include fix   test  initialValue parm
## 1 friendship: from music agreement TRUE    FALSE FALSE          0   0
bipEffects <- includeEffects(bipEffects, from, name = "friendship",
                            interaction1 = "drugs")
##   effectName                       include fix   test  initialValue parm
## 1 friendship: from drugs agreement TRUE    FALSE FALSE          0   0
bipEffects <- includeEffects(bipEffects, cycle4, name = "leisure")
##   effectName            include fix   test  initialValue parm
## 1 leisure: 4-cycles (#) TRUE    FALSE FALSE          0   1
bipEffects <- includeEffects(bipEffects, cycle4, name = "music")
##   effectName          include fix   test  initialValue parm
## 1 music: 4-cycles (#) TRUE    FALSE FALSE          0   1
bipEffects <- includeEffects(bipEffects, cycle4, name = "drugs")
##   effectName          include fix   test  initialValue parm
## 1 drugs: 4-cycles (#) TRUE    FALSE FALSE          0   1
bipEffects <- includeEffects(bipEffects, to, name = "leisure",
                             interaction1 = "friendship")
##   effectName                       include fix   test  initialValue parm
## 1 leisure: friendship to agreement TRUE    FALSE FALSE          0   0
bipEffects <- includeEffects(bipEffects, to, name = "music",
                             interaction1 = "friendship")
##   effectName                     include fix   test  initialValue parm
## 1 music: friendship to agreement TRUE    FALSE FALSE          0   0
bipEffects <- includeEffects(bipEffects, to, name = "drugs",
                             interaction1 = "friendship")
##   effectName                     include fix   test  initialValue parm
## 1 drugs: friendship to agreement TRUE    FALSE FALSE          0   0
bipEffects <- includeEffects(bipEffects, egoX,altX,simX, name = "friendship",
                            interaction1 = "sex.F")
##   effectName                   include fix   test  initialValue parm
## 1 friendship: sex.F alter      TRUE    FALSE FALSE          0   0   
## 2 friendship: sex.F ego        TRUE    FALSE FALSE          0   0   
## 3 friendship: sex.F similarity TRUE    FALSE FALSE          0   0

(5) Model estimation

First we specify our algorithm:

bipModel <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(projname = 'bipartite-Glasgow-results',
                                 seed = 432155)

Finally we can start with the estimation:

(bipResults <- siena07(bipModel, data = bipData, effects = bipEffects, useCluster = TRUE,
                       nbrNodes = 4))
## Estimates, standard errors and convergence t-ratios
##                                                     Estimate   Standard   Convergence 
##                                                                  Error      t-ratio   
##    1. rate basic rate parameter friendship          14.0728  ( 1.2619   )   -0.0610   
##    2. eval friendship: outdegree (density)          -0.7072  ( 0.3788   )    0.0605   
##    3. eval friendship: reciprocity                   1.8380  ( 0.1262   )    0.0649   
##    4. eval friendship: GWESP I -> K -> J (69)        1.6384  ( 0.0969   )    0.0557   
##    5. eval friendship: indegree - popularity (sqrt) -0.2137  ( 0.1049   )    0.0389   
##    6. eval friendship: outdegree - activity (sqrt)  -0.7077  ( 0.1230   )    0.0462   
##    7. eval friendship: sex.F alter                  -0.1373  ( 0.1270   )    0.0468   
##    8. eval friendship: sex.F ego                     0.1094  ( 0.1405   )    0.0769   
##    9. eval friendship: sex.F similarity              0.7667  ( 0.1150   )    0.0675   
##   10. eval friendship: from leisure agreement        0.0542  ( 0.0492   )    0.0351   
##   11. eval friendship: from music agreement          0.0513  ( 0.0442   )    0.0349   
##   12. eval friendship: from drugs agreement         -0.2148  ( 0.1117   )   -0.0005   
##   13. rate basic rate parameter leisure              4.4671  ( 0.3621   )   -0.0489   
##   14. eval leisure: outdegree (density)             -1.8449  ( 0.1112   )    0.0376   
##   15. eval leisure: 4-cycles (1)                     0.0071  ( 0.0011   )    0.0294   
##   16. eval leisure: friendship to agreement          0.3557  ( 0.0688   )    0.0431   
##   17. rate basic rate parameter music                5.1645  ( 0.3910   )   -0.0178   
##   18. eval music: outdegree (density)               -1.7567  ( 0.0903   )   -0.0886   
##   19. eval music: 4-cycles (1)                       0.0075  ( 0.0011   )   -0.1047   
##   20. eval music: friendship to agreement            0.3198  ( 0.0586   )   -0.0847   
##   21. rate basic rate parameter drugs                2.4501  ( 0.4181   )   -0.1695   
##   22. eval drugs: outdegree (density)               -3.5416  ( 0.3027   )   -0.1491   
##   23. eval drugs: 4-cycles (1)                       0.1617  ( 0.0330   )   -0.1842   
##   24. eval drugs: friendship to agreement            1.2208  ( 0.2376   )   -0.1487   
## Overall maximum convergence ratio:    0.3061 
## Total of 2032 iteration steps.

The convergence is nearly there. But let’s be save and start again. Maybe it also helps to increase phase 3 simulations to get better estiamtes of the standard errors.

bipModel <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(projname = 'bipartite-Glasgow-results',
                                 seed = 432155, n3 = 2000)
bipResults <- siena07(bipModel, data = bipData, effects = bipEffects,
                            prevAns = bipResults, returnDeps = TRUE, useCluster = TRUE,
                       nbrNodes = 4)
## Estimates, standard errors and convergence t-ratios
##                                                     Estimate   Standard   Convergence 
##                                                                  Error      t-ratio   
##    1. rate basic rate parameter friendship          14.1252  ( 1.4351   )    0.0151   
##    2. eval friendship: outdegree (density)          -0.7407  ( 0.3667   )   -0.0206   
##    3. eval friendship: reciprocity                   1.8406  ( 0.1136   )   -0.0146   
##    4. eval friendship: GWESP I -> K -> J (69)        1.6344  ( 0.0996   )   -0.0162   
##    5. eval friendship: indegree - popularity (sqrt) -0.2087  ( 0.1024   )   -0.0284   
##    6. eval friendship: outdegree - activity (sqrt)  -0.6979  ( 0.1138   )   -0.0275   
##    7. eval friendship: sex.F alter                  -0.1302  ( 0.1178   )    0.0499   
##    8. eval friendship: sex.F ego                     0.1027  ( 0.1535   )    0.0386   
##    9. eval friendship: sex.F similarity              0.7605  ( 0.1171   )   -0.0182   
##   10. eval friendship: from leisure agreement        0.0537  ( 0.0534   )   -0.0483   
##   11. eval friendship: from music agreement          0.0501  ( 0.0467   )   -0.0195   
##   12. eval friendship: from drugs agreement         -0.2125  ( 0.1308   )   -0.0206   
##   13. rate basic rate parameter leisure              4.4715  ( 0.3451   )   -0.0099   
##   14. eval leisure: outdegree (density)             -1.8495  ( 0.1041   )    0.0186   
##   15. eval leisure: 4-cycles (1)                     0.0072  ( 0.0012   )    0.0304   
##   16. eval leisure: friendship to agreement          0.3525  ( 0.0659   )    0.0252   
##   17. rate basic rate parameter music                5.1511  ( 0.4072   )   -0.0272   
##   18. eval music: outdegree (density)               -1.7612  ( 0.0905   )   -0.0233   
##   19. eval music: 4-cycles (1)                       0.0076  ( 0.0011   )   -0.0217   
##   20. eval music: friendship to agreement            0.3197  ( 0.0612   )   -0.0073   
##   21. rate basic rate parameter drugs                2.4686  ( 0.3898   )    0.0482   
##   22. eval drugs: outdegree (density)               -3.5485  ( 0.3228   )    0.0353   
##   23. eval drugs: 4-cycles (1)                       0.1665  ( 0.0356   )    0.0327   
##   24. eval drugs: friendship to agreement            1.2102  ( 0.2180   )    0.0132   
## Overall maximum convergence ratio:    0.1604 
## Total of 3220 iteration steps.

It takes quite long to estimate. So let’s better save the results.


(6) Goodness of fit

Now let us assess goodness of fit for the three estimated models. This is done separately for the various dependent variables as indicated by the varName parameter in sienaGOF.



gofo1f <- sienaGOF(bipResults, OutdegreeDistribution, join = TRUE,
                    varName = "friendship")
##   > Completed  2000  calculations

That does not fit well.


gofi1f <- sienaGOF(bipResults, IndegreeDistribution, join = TRUE,
                    varName = "friendship")
##   > Completed  2000  calculations

This fits very well.

Triad Census

gof1.triads <- sienaGOF(bipResults,TriadCensus, join = TRUE,
                            varName = "friendship")
##   > Completed  2000  calculations
plot(gof1.triads,center = TRUE,scale = TRUE)

This fits quite badly!
Especially 030C, 120D, 120C and 300.



gofo1l <- sienaGOF(bipResults, OutdegreeDistribution, join = TRUE,
                    varName = "leisure")
##   > Completed  2000  calculations

That, too, fits bad.

gofi1l <- sienaGOF(bipResults, IndegreeDistribution, join = TRUE,
                    varName = "leisure")
##   > Completed  2000  calculations

This does not fit well.



gofo1m <- sienaGOF(bipResults, OutdegreeDistribution, join = TRUE,
                    varName = "music")
##   > Completed  2000  calculations

This does not fit too well.


gofi1m <- sienaGOF(bipResults, IndegreeDistribution, join = TRUE,
                    varName = "music")
##   > Completed  2000  calculations

This fits ok.



gofo1d <- sienaGOF(bipResults, OutdegreeDistribution, join = TRUE,
                    varName = "drugs")
##   > Completed  2000  calculations

This is ok.


gofi1d <- sienaGOF(bipResults, IndegreeDistribution, join = TRUE,
                    varName = "drugs")
##   > Completed  2000  calculations

This fits very well.

To conclude: We need better fit for:
Friendship, Leisure and Music

Improved model

Let us include some effects for the distribution of Leisure and Music To keep the model equal on the bipartite part, we add the same effect also for Drugs.

bipEffects <- includeEffects(bipEffects, outActSqrt, name = "leisure")
##   effectName                           include fix   test  initialValue
## 1 leisure: outdegree - activity (sqrt) TRUE    FALSE FALSE          0  
##   parm
## 1 0
bipEffects <- includeEffects(bipEffects, outActSqrt, name = "music")
##   effectName                         include fix   test  initialValue parm
## 1 music: outdegree - activity (sqrt) TRUE    FALSE FALSE          0   0
bipEffects <- includeEffects(bipEffects, inPopSqrt,  name = "leisure")
##   effectName                            include fix   test  initialValue
## 1 leisure: indegree - popularity (sqrt) TRUE    FALSE FALSE          0  
##   parm
## 1 0
bipEffects <- includeEffects(bipEffects, inPopSqrt,  name = "music")
##   effectName                          include fix   test  initialValue
## 1 music: indegree - popularity (sqrt) TRUE    FALSE FALSE          0  
##   parm
## 1 0
bipEffects <- includeEffects(bipEffects, egoX,  name = "leisure",
                             interaction1 = "sex.F")
##   effectName         include fix   test  initialValue parm
## 1 leisure: sex.F ego TRUE    FALSE FALSE          0   0
bipEffects <- includeEffects(bipEffects, egoX,  name = "music",
                             interaction1 = "sex.F")
##   effectName       include fix   test  initialValue parm
## 1 music: sex.F ego TRUE    FALSE FALSE          0   0

Further we can add some effects for better network fit for friendship:

bipEffects <- includeEffects(bipEffects, gwespBB, gwespBF, reciAct, inActSqrt, name = "friendship")
##   effectName                              include fix   test  initialValue
## 1 friendship: GWESP I <- K <- J (#)       TRUE    FALSE FALSE          0  
## 2 friendship: GWESP I <- K -> J (#)       TRUE    FALSE FALSE          0  
## 3 friendship: indegree - activity (sqrt)  TRUE    FALSE FALSE          0  
## 4 friendship:^(1/#) - activity TRUE    FALSE FALSE          0  
##   parm
## 1 69  
## 2 69  
## 3  0  
## 4  1
bipModel <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(projname = 'bipartite-Glasgow-results',
                                 seed = 432155, n3 = 2000)
bipResults2 <- siena07(bipModel, data = bipData, effects = bipEffects,
                            prevAns = bipResults, returnDeps = TRUE, 
                            useCluster = TRUE, nbrNodes = 2)
bipModel <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(projname = 'bipartite-Glasgow-results',
                                 seed = 432155, n3 = 2000, nsub = 1,
                                 n2start = 1200)

bipResults2 <- siena07(bipModel, data = bipData, effects = bipEffects,
                            prevAns = bipResults2, returnDeps = TRUE, 
                            useCluster = TRUE, nbrNodes = 2)
## Estimates, standard errors and convergence t-ratios
##                                                     Estimate   Standard   Convergence 
##                                                                  Error      t-ratio   
##    1. rate basic rate parameter friendship          13.4080  ( 4.8393   )   -0.0186   
##    2. eval friendship: outdegree (density)          -2.4413  ( 0.7457   )   -0.0006   
##    3. eval friendship: reciprocity                   3.1072  ( 0.4096   )    0.0019   
##    4. eval friendship: GWESP I -> K -> J (69)        1.9731  ( 0.9035   )   -0.0027   
##    5. eval friendship: GWESP I <- K <- J (69)        0.6210  ( 0.4147   )    0.0051   
##    6. eval friendship: GWESP I <- K -> J (69)       -0.8457  ( 1.2321   )   -0.0101   
##    7. eval friendship: indegree - popularity (sqrt) -0.0752  ( 0.1345   )   -0.0008   
##    8. eval friendship: indegree - activity (sqrt)    0.1592  ( 0.2456   )   -0.0034   
##    9. eval friendship: outdegree - activity (sqrt)  -0.1591  ( 0.2797   )   -0.0097   
##   10. eval friendship:^(1/1) - activity  -0.2900  ( 0.1211   )   -0.0051   
##   11. eval friendship: sex.F alter                  -0.1189  ( 0.1417   )    0.0015   
##   12. eval friendship: sex.F ego                     0.0961  ( 0.1532   )    0.0061   
##   13. eval friendship: sex.F similarity              0.7055  ( 0.1378   )   -0.0187   
##   14. eval friendship: from leisure agreement        0.0710  ( 0.0591   )   -0.0107   
##   15. eval friendship: from music agreement          0.0567  ( 0.0494   )    0.0071   
##   16. eval friendship: from drugs agreement         -0.2064  ( 0.1611   )   -0.0164   
##   17. rate basic rate parameter leisure              4.7391  ( 0.6046   )   -0.0181   
##   18. eval leisure: outdegree (density)             -3.7676  ( 0.7570   )    0.0250   
##   19. eval leisure: 4-cycles (1)                     0.0001  ( 0.0025   )    0.0079   
##   20. eval leisure: indegree - popularity (sqrt)     0.2714  ( 0.0581   )    0.0199   
##   21. eval leisure: outdegree - activity (sqrt)      0.3065  ( 0.2060   )    0.0169   
##   22. eval leisure: sex.F ego                       -0.0260  ( 0.0982   )   -0.0123   
##   23. eval leisure: friendship to agreement          0.1890  ( 0.0735   )    0.0251   
##   24. rate basic rate parameter music                5.3070  ( 0.4139   )    0.0018   
##   25. eval music: outdegree (density)               -2.3231  ( 0.5384   )   -0.0013   
##   26. eval music: 4-cycles (1)                       0.0051  ( 0.0023   )   -0.0068   
##   27. eval music: indegree - popularity (sqrt)       0.1010  ( 0.0482   )   -0.0010   
##   28. eval music: outdegree - activity (sqrt)        0.0613  ( 0.1332   )   -0.0047   
##   29. eval music: sex.F ego                          0.0386  ( 0.1053   )    0.0104   
##   30. eval music: friendship to agreement            0.2488  ( 0.0838   )    0.0132   
##   31. rate basic rate parameter drugs                2.4547  ( 0.4396   )   -0.0233   
##   32. eval drugs: outdegree (density)               -3.6168  ( 0.3926   )   -0.0027   
##   33. eval drugs: 4-cycles (1)                       0.1653  ( 0.0363   )   -0.0051   
##   34. eval drugs: friendship to agreement            1.2743  ( 0.2657   )    0.0040   
## Overall maximum convergence ratio:    0.1759 
## Total of 3200 iteration steps.

The model is converged. Let’s check the fit again.

Goodness of fit

Now let us assess goodness of fit for the three estimated models. This is done separately for the various dependent variables as indicated by the varName parameter in sienaGOF.



gofo2f <- sienaGOF(bipResults2, OutdegreeDistribution, join = TRUE,
                   varName = "friendship")
##   > Completed  2000  calculations

Still not ideal.


gofi2f <- sienaGOF(bipResults2, IndegreeDistribution, join = TRUE,
                   varName = "friendship")
##   > Completed  2000  calculations

This fits very well.

Triad Census

gof2.triads <- sienaGOF(bipResults2,TriadCensus, join = TRUE,
                        varName = "friendship")
##   > Completed  2000  calculations
plot(gof2.triads,center = TRUE,scale = TRUE)

This fits fine now.
120C and 300 are not perfect, but overall it is fine overall.



gofo2l <- sienaGOF(bipResults2, OutdegreeDistribution, join = TRUE,
                   varName = "leisure")
##   > Completed  2000  calculations

This, still, fits bad.

gofi2l <- sienaGOF(bipResults2, IndegreeDistribution, join = TRUE,
                   varName = "leisure")
##   > Completed  2000  calculations

This fits fine now.



gofo2m <- sienaGOF(bipResults2, OutdegreeDistribution, join = TRUE,
                   varName = "music")
##   > Completed  2000  calculations

This is still not optimal.


gofi2m <- sienaGOF(bipResults2, IndegreeDistribution, join = TRUE,
                   varName = "music")
##   > Completed  2000  calculations

This fits ok.



gofo2d <- sienaGOF(bipResults2, OutdegreeDistribution, join = TRUE,
                   varName = "drugs")
##   > Completed  2000  calculations

This is ok.


gofi2d <- sienaGOF(bipResults2, IndegreeDistribution, join = TRUE,
                   varName = "drugs")
##   > Completed  2000  calculations

This fits very well.

To conclude: We need better fit for:
Friendship, Leisure and Music