On this page, you find course material for the 14th Winter School for Longitudinal Social Network Analysis with the RSiena software, and for the Advanced Siena Users' Meeting (AdSUM-2024) organized by Christian Steglich and Tom Snijders with the help of Anita van der Hoek at the University of Groningen. The workshop takes place in the week of 22-26 January 2024.

The workshops take place in Room A3 of the University of Groningen's Academy Building, Broerstrat 5.

The course programme can de downloaded here: Programme of 14th Winterschool.

(Version of Thursday 25 January 2024, 10:00)

Basic Preparations

The course will consist of lecture elements, Q&A sessions, and practical work on R scripts.

It is assumed that the participants have a good basic understanding of statistical methods, including regression and logistic regression, some understanding of basic concepts in social network analysis, and a good working knowledge of R.

  • If you do not yet have R, install R (version 4.3.0 or later).
  • If you wish to use RStudio and do not yet have it, and in any case if R is unfamiliar to you, install RStudio. Depending on your taste, this may be a convenient way to work with R; but if you wish to use R differently, that will not be a problem.
  • In R install the packages RSiena, sna, network, igraph, xtable. (If R is new to you, you shall have to find out how to install packages...)
  • Mac users may also want to install the 'tcltk' package (this is not functionally necessary for the workshop, it just enables the popup of the RSiena GUI window).

Monday: Network dynamics

1. Modelling network dynamics: slides

2. Lab exercise: analysis script and MBA data set

3. Lab exercise: simulations with SAOM and slides on that topic (from a different workshop)

4. Lab exercise: network dynamics with actor attribute predictor, studied in school class data imported from text files

Tuesday: Co-Evolution

1. Modelling peer influence: slides

2. Lab exercise: analysis script

3. Lab exercise: co-evolution of alcohol consumption and friendship and customized behavior fit functions

4. Lab exercise: two networks co-evolving (MBA data)

IF THERE IS TIME, we can briefly address the topic of influence in two-mode networks:

5. Two-mode networks modelling: some older slides, and a lab exercise: two-mode network analyses

7. Optional lab exercise: network dynamics of undirected networks, studied in preferential trade agreements between countries

Wednesday: Extra topics

Voted-on topics: slides

> Lab exercise moderation: analysis script

> Absent data: slides, analysis script illustrating structural zero and composition change file treatment, R markdown example on missing data multiple imputation for networks, and another R Markdown example on Multiple Imputation networks & behaviour

> Lab exercise multi-group data: archive with script & data

> Lab exercise diffusion: archive with script & data

> Lab exercise two-mode analysis: archive with script & data

> Lab exercise valued networks: archive with script & data

AdSUM-2024 (Thursday & Friday)

The material for this part is distributed on this page: click here.

The Master Class paper discussion (in order of discussion):

  • Tiya Lei. Casino Capitalism or Institutional Inertia? The Evolution of Shadow Bank Relations and the Changing Power Structure of Global Financial Networks.
  • Silvia Caldaroni. The role of depressive symptoms over adolescents' perceptions of liking and disliking networks.
  • Daniel Gotthardt. The Co-Evolution of Structural Equivalence and Behavior: Disentangling Indirect Selection and Influence.
  • Shang Gu. Peer selection and influence on drinking behaviours among first-year university students: Evidence from the Sheffield Alcohol and Network Dynamics (SAND) Study.
  • Martina Boschi. Exploring Dynamics of Alien Special Invasions: A Relational Event Modeling Approach with Smooth Time-Covarying Effects.


Siena website and RSiena manual;
RSiena development at GitHub and RSiena users' community.